Analog Circuit Works provides circuit blocks at three extremes where custom integrated circuits provide real advantages, and commodity semiconductor intellectual property (IP) or off-the-shelf parts can’t match the performance and size:
Low power, high accuracy analog circuitry
- Analog to Digital Converters (ADCs)
- Wireless IP
- Low Noise Amplifiers
- Digital to Analog Converters (DACs)
- Support Circuits
High speed circuitry
- Processor/Memory Interfaces (DDR/LPDDR)
- USB Interfaces (USB2.0/3.0/3.1)
- MIPI Interfaces (mobile cameras, displays, data, etc.)
- Serializers/Deserializers (SERDES)
- Clock Generation
- Time interleaved ADCs and DACs
Power-efficient asynchronous digital circuitry
We also provide design services to enable our customers to create complete solutions. Get our expert team involved early in your design cycle – contact us today so we can help you navigate through the complex process of designing a system-on-chip (SoC).